Data Augmentation is a technique employed in machine learning and deep learning to enhance the diversity of a training dataset without the need for collecting new data. This method involves applying a variety of transformations to the existing data, which can include:

  • Rotations: Changing the orientation of images.
  • Translations: Shifting images in different directions.
  • Scaling: Resizing images to different dimensions.
  • Flipping: Creating mirror images.
  • Adding Noise: Introducing small random variations to make the model more resilient.

The primary goal of data augmentation is to improve the robustness and generalization capability of models, helping them perform better on unseen data. It is particularly beneficial in tasks related to image processing, text analysis, and audio processing, as it aids in preventing overfitting and enhances overall model performance. By expanding the training dataset virtually, data augmentation enables models to learn from a richer variety of examples, leading to better outcomes in real-world applications.


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